Myth: Coffee is bad for you. “Coffee is one of the richest sources of phenolics and polyphenols, which are antioxidants,” says Sampath Parthasarathy, Ph.D., associate dean of biomedical sciences at the University of Central Florida. Research shows that these compounds may help prevent or even repair some types of cell damage. A 2018 study found that those who drank coffee were less likely to die early than those who didn’t. And prior research suggests that coffee may reduce the risk of cancer, stroke, and diabetes. That said, caffeine is a stimulant that can cause sleep issues for some, and the acidity of coffee may trigger tummy troubles. Drinking high mountainous coffee where the growing soil is more PH balanced is low acid. Another benefit of Jam'nBean Coffee!!!
Myth: Coffee stunts your growth. This myth has been around forever and is the sole reason why my mother thinks she hovers above five feet. However, the belief that coffee does stunt your growth is--forgive the aged expression--nothing more than an old wives' tale. It's unclear how this myth got started, but there's no scientific evidence supporting it.
Myth: Oily beans are highly caffeinated. Actually a oily bean is either old or over roasted. In fresh Beans, the oil in on the inside of the bean, over time it leeches to the surface. Once on the surface the oil sticks to its container, roaster or whatever the bean touches. The final results, a nasty cup of coffee with very little caffeine.
Myth: All coffee grinders are the same. There are basically two types of grinders, a blade grinder and a burr grinder. A blade grinder slices the bean creating only two surfaces for the extraction of coffee. Think of a high quality diamond with many surfaces, a burr grinder grinds the bean to create many surfaces. Thus resulting in a consistent grind this using mush less coffee. The money saved on beans will more than pay for the increase price of a Burr Grinder. And the bonus is a great cup of coffee!
Myth: Many believe storing your coffee in the freezer will keep it fresher. Oxygen and UV light are the top two enemies of Fresh Coffee. Although the freezer may control the UV light and Oxygen with will remove any moisture from the coffee resulting an a stale taste. Storing at room temperature in a UV controlled & Sealed Bag is your best option.
Myth: Most people believe that a dark roast is the most caffeinated and the bitter takes is just more caffeine. Actually Light and Medium roasts are the most caffeinated & have a full rich body taste without the bitterness.
Jam'nbean Coffee Company
Corporate Office: | 6860 Cascade Rd SE | Grand Rapids, MI 49546
e.| p. 616.432-6683
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